Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why BroadSQL?

A. BroadSQL is born as a tentative to solve the pain points I met when working with data management. I was confronted with several time consuming tasks that I thought could be highly improved by automating them :

  • extracting data to an Excel file
  • keeping a regular backup copy of critical configuration tables for history purpose
  • rework data in Excel, Access or any other database and then re-inject them in an Oracle database
  • update data using Excel inputs from business users
  • automate tasks when working with multiple instances of the same database (like tests, quality acceptance, production)
  • have a framework for facilitating the writing of Java programs for the data maintenance activities

Q. When should I not use BroadSQL?

A. BroadSQL should NOT be used for generating user or business reports in Excel format : prefer a real data analytics or reporting tool instead.

In addition, BroadSQL should NOT be used for designing databases and you will prefer tools like jDeveloper.


See also our Frequently Asked Questions for H2 databases.