Starting, running and closing BroadSQL

In a terminal window, run program BroadSQL.bat. Make sure you specify a connection name as an argument, otherwise BroadSQL will quit. BroadSQL then prompt you with the master password of the Connections Definition File. You’re allowed five password attempts before BroadSQL exits.

M:\CliSQL>java -Xms64m -Xmx256m -Dfile.encoding=Cp850 -Djava.ext.dirs=lib;. -jar CliSQL.jar -to=XE -settings=CliSQL.ini
XE> Connected to XE using JDBC driver: Oracle JDBC driver,
XE> Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - Production

Note that the console displays the driver type and version as well as the connection meta-data name, returned by the database.

The title bar of the terminal window shows the connection name and the command that is currently executing. If no command is running, the word idle appears in brackets.

To disconnect and quit the application, type EXIT.

You can connect to a different connection using the CONNECT command followed by a valid connection name. If successful, the client first disconnects from the current connection before opening the new connection, as shown below.

Note: connection names are case sensitive in BroadSQL. The name MyDB and myDb may refer to two different connections.

Working with BroadSQL

You interact with BroadSQL by entering commands which can be one of the following:

• SQL commands supported by the database connection (like SELECT) • BroadSQL commands (like DUMP) and native extensions: the difference between BroadSQL commands and native extension appears in the help screen: native extensions are listed separately together with your extensions, if any. • Custom commands you have developed or downloaded from a third-party

Commands are interpreted and executed after you type a semicolon (;) followed by the enter key.

You can view the list of commands by typing the command HELP. You can view the help screen of a given command by typing HELP followed by the command name and, as usual, followed by ; and enter.

BroadSQL can manage three types of commands. The following video presentation shows you how to create your own custom commands:

Executing a script of commands

You can execute a script of commands

Exporting and Mass Updating Data