BroadSQL 4.8 - Release Notes
What's new with BroadSQL 4.8?
BroadSQL 4.8 comes with the latest version to date of H2 : version 2.1.210. This H2 release is a major change. The Configuration Definition File must be upgraded accordingly, please refer to the upgrade notes further below.
Summary of change:
- New features: none
- Defects corrections: none
- Techinal improvements: migration to H2 release 2.1.210
Installing BroadSQL 4.8
See instructions in the README.TXT file of the distribution
Upgrading from previous releases
Release 4.8 comes with a change in the format of the Configuration Definition File. Before upgrading, you must export the content of the file.
1 - From BroadSQL, run the following command in order to export the content of the CDF:
Or specify another directory on your file system.
2 - Unzip the BroadSQL installation file into a new directory.
3 - Copy your specific and custom elements from the previous version's location into the new directory.
- Configuration files:
- INI files : /conf/BroadSQL.ini, /conf/broadsqlux.ini
- LOG configuration : /conf/logback-broadsql.xml
- Exec programs (if customized for your needs only): /BroadSQL.bat, /BroadSQL.ps1, /, /connect.bat
- Directories:
- /logs : your log files
- /drivers : your specific SQL drivers
- /extensions : your custom extensions
- /scripts : your SQL scripts
- /sqllib : your SQL snippets library
4 - To create the new CDF and import the content exported in step 1, open a command line and run the following command:
java -cp .;<pathToLib>h2-2.1.210.jar -url jdbc:h2:ConnectionsDefinitionFile.cdf;CIPHER=AES -user sa -password "<password>" -script CDF.sql
- the <pathToLib> must be replaced with the actual path to your BroadSQL lib, eg.: c:\BroadSQL\lib\
- in the field <password>, the actual password must be typed twice with a space between the two entries. For example, if your password is 'test1' then the command line must contain : -password "test1 test1". This feature is made necessary by the fact that the CDF file is an H2 encrypted database.
5 - Copy the file ConnectionsDefinitionFile.cdf into the directory /conf of your new BroadSQL installation
To test the effectiveness of the migration, run BroadSQL, you should be able to authenticate and to view all connections.
6 - Finally, delete the SQL file that was exported in step 1.
Known issues