More Features & Benefits

BroadSQL has been designed for increasing the productivity of people working with databases on a daily basis.

  • Use a single client for your various database types : Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, H2, HSQLDB, Derby/JavaDB, and much more. In fact any JDBC compliant databases can be accessed through BroadSQL.
    • You do not have to switch between proprietary tools.


  • Store your connection settings in a secure AES-256 encrypted Servers Definition File
    • Authenticate once, no need to remember the passwords of all the database connections, you just need to remember the master password
    • You do not have to switch between proprietary tools, you learn only one set of commands for all your JDBC databases
    • Your connection settings are stored in a H2 encrypted database


  • User Connection Scripts allow you to apply specific settings when opening a database
    • Your settings like default auto-commit are automatically loaded when you open a connection


  • Export data to various output formats: text, Microsoft Excel .xls or .xlsx, Microsoft Access
    • No need to spend time with the import utility in Excel, your data are stored directly in Excel cells
    • Data are not automatically converted in a wrong format when loaded from a CSV file


  • Use DIRECT LOAD and DIRECT UPDATE commands for mass inserting or maintaining data from a text file
    • No need to create a file containing a huge list of of update or insert statement
    • Data ar loaded at maximum speed


  • Use native BroadSQL extension commands like SHOW COLUMNS or SHOW TABLES
    • Facilitates daily tasks


  • Automate cross-platforms activities through scripts 
    • Save time through automation


  • Save queries in a SQL library for later executions 
    • No need to search your favorite SQL queries, they are stored in the library


  • Writes output to a Log text file (optional)
    • You can retrieve all commands and output that you have executed on your databases


  • Extend the set of SQL commands supported by your database connection or provided by BroadSQL by writing your own commands.
    • Extensibility: countless possibilities of integration with your specific information system


  • Embed BroadSQL features in your applications thanks to the documented API specification
    • Extensibility: countless possibilities of integration with your specific information system